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Commission II DPRD Sulut Agrees to Restore Bank Sulut Dividend

Manado - Commission II for the Economy, Finance and Banking North Sulawesi Parliament unanimously agreed to reinvest the proceeds from the dividend of the Bank of North Sulawesi (BS) in 2010 as an additional paid up capital for the BS. The decision is part of the formulation of conclusions Hearings Meeting (RDP) with the Board of Directors of BS, Wednesday (13 / 7) night in Jakarta. Director of Bank of North Sulawesi, Jeffry Wurangian, before explaining that the results of dividends or share of profits that belong to the North Sulawesi Provincial Government of the total BS in 2010 net profit of Rp. 50 billion more. As per the calculations based on the composition of shares, the Provincial Government are entitled to dividends of around Rp. 23 billion. "We agreed to reinvest back at least Rp. 18 billion, and hopefully be around Rp. 23 billion of such dividends," said Commission Chairman Steven Kandouw Sulawesi DPRD II when reading the final formulation of the meeting on Wednesday (13 / 7). According to Steven Kandouw, hopefully resolve reinvest dividends into additional capital will contribute to a BS followed by the other shareholders, namely the Regents and Mayors as North Sulawesi and Gorontalo as the owner of the BS and BS Employees Cooperative. Steven Kandouw further argues, decision or agreement was taken after the Commission II study carefully BS positive developments during the last three years. "Reference is basically BS is in a healthy position three years running and is able to accumulate profits each year," added Steven. In addition, as a healthy bank, BS has the support of Bank Indonesia to set up branches in other places as evidenced by the issuance of operating licenses in the city of Surabaya, Malang and Jakarta. "Otherwise healthy, BS may not obtain operating licenses to open branches in other places," said Paul Tirayoh, Member of the House of Representatives Commission II Sulut. One of the major achievements of the BS is able to achieve a low level of bad debts. That is evidenced by the NPL (non performing loans) is only about 0.3 percent. Whereas tolerance limits in accordance with Bank Indonesia 5 percent. It`s incredible just 0.3 percent, "said Paul Tirayoh. Teddy Kumaat, Member of Commission II Others remind BS deposited capital must be added to CAR (capital adequate ratio - the level of capital adequacy) is in the safe position. And thus, lending can be freely performed by the BS. While the other Board Members Victor Mailangkay ask BS to still look professional. Who are not ready and did not understand the laws of professionals to back off so that the BS is more free to move as a money machine for the addition of PAD Flammable. CEO Wurangian previously said in explanation, the position of BS assets or property have increased dramatically in the last three years, from only Rp. 3 trillion more, has now reached more than Rp. 5 trillion more. Furthermore, because the performance and reputation of BS is quite convincing that of all the branches in Jakarta, Surabaya and Malang, BS is able to achieve additional third-party funds over Rp. 1 trillion. "BS right now is like a sweet lady who many suitors, but we have to select who should go, especially in order to position the majority remain in the hands of North Sulawesi province," said Wurangian. (***)