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Bank Sulut is Changing

BANK Sulawesi (BS) is familiarly called Torang Bank (our bank), should be changed following the entry of investors from outside, including BS bond buyers, as well as the opening of a number of branches outside the province of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo. BS new branches that already exist outside the two provinces as it is a branch of Jakarta, Kelapa Gading, Cempaka Putih (at the Hotel North Sulawesi Provincial Government Representative), Branch Surabaya and Malang.   We already have turned into a professional bank, because the products that we offer to the public has been expanded from solely government-owned bank that specializes in serving civil servants (PNS) and local governments to public services in a broad sense," said Managing Director BS Jeffry Wurangian when talking with ManadoGO, last weekend in Jakarta. Until three years ago, said Wurangian, about 90 percent of the loan and also customers and the local governments listed BS civil servants. Now the general non-registered customers PNS has increased to over 30 percent. Ideally common customers can reach 60 to 70 percent, especially in the planning horizon is predicted Indonesian Banking Architecture (API) that requires state-owned banks should be regional or provincial champions in their respective areas (regional champions), "said Wurangian. Because that`s progress, said  Wurangian, the BS should really be handled professionally and of course by the professional staff and employees. BS asset, he added in the last three years, up from more than Rp 3 trillion to more than Rp 5 trillion. These figures show the BS has been accepted and received support from the public. This requires a shift in perspective and work of all leaders, staff and employees of BS. Therefore, when customers BS-dominated local government and civil demands and needs that emerged was how to serve the credit or loan guarantee civil servant salaries. But when the BS has developed as it is now, which is the more common customers, so too, growing demands and ways of handling any service should be able to follow market dynamics. Anticipating the market dynamics are constantly evolving and increasingly widespread, the BS is currently preparing to launch a credit card that has been commonly used in every business transaction. "We are targeting on the anniversary of the Province of North Sulawesi to 47, mid-September, BS credit cards are to be launched," said Wurangian. Answering a question about the amount of bad debts in the BS, Managing Director Jeffry Wurangian appoint magnitude NPL (non performing loans) 0.3 per cent, or very small when compared to the benchmark set by Bank Indonesia NPL should not exceed 5 percent. That is, of total lending to the public the level of traffic is only around 0.3 percent. BS also, said Wurangian, are preparing to sell some shares in the capital market, commonly called an IPO (initial public offering) on ??the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). "BS is eligible participate IPO, among the most vital requirement of three consecutive years must be healthy according to Bank Indonesia and the results of audits by the office of public Akutan recommended by the BI and Bapepam," said Wurangian. (FR)