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Bank Sulut Reach Rating IdA-

PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) affirmed ratings for PT Bank Sulut is idA- and IV/2010 bond bank. Based on the ranking of research today, Pefindo also provide idBBB + ratings to Bank of North Sulawesi I/2010 subordinated bonds are still outstanding. Analysts Pefindo Hendro Utomo also establishes a stable outlook for all ratings of Bank of North Sulawesi and the debt securities. "The ratings reflect the strong support and terbuktu of shareholders, market position above the average, and good asset quality," he said. However, he said, ranking it still mitigated by the level of capitalization of the company below average, and increasingly intense competition in the banking industry operations. Pefindo also still looking at the general meeting of shareholders extraordinary (EGM) at the end of the month the bank and its influence on the rankings. Bank of North Sulawesi has the operational focus in North Sulawesi and Gorontalo reinforced 45 offices, 49 ATMs and ATM`s own Joint.